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Math Acceleration

Math Acceleration at St. Louis Park Middle School

Grade-Level Mathematics Courses
Most students are best served in their grade-level mathematics course. In select circumstances, a student may benefit from single-subject acceleration in math.

A student who may be a good candidate for single-subject acceleration in math:

  • Has already mastered the material for the grade level above.
  • Demonstrates maturity in school settings.
  • Is intrinsically motivated to persist with mathematics and values its applications in the world.

Mathematics Sequence Overview
Mathematics concepts build sequentially, with each course introducing and building upon foundational topics:

  • Pre-Algebra I introduces many new topics not previously explored.
  • Pre-Algebra II builds upon Pre-Algebra I, with topics in the second course closely connected to the first.

All students will have opportunities to engage with Pre-Algebra II topics during Pre-Algebra I through Talent Development extension and enrichment activities. For this reason, the optimal time to consider acceleration is after completing Pre-Algebra I.

Middle School Math Pathways

  • Standard Pathway: Pre-Algebra I → Pre-Algebra II → Algebra → Geometry (at high school).
  • Accelerated Pathway: Pre-Algebra I → Algebra → Geometry (at middle school).

High School Math Opportunities

  • Students on the standard pathway will have the opportunity to take one college-level math course in high school.
  • Students on the accelerated pathway will have the opportunity to take two college-level math courses in high school.

Math Acceleration Criteria
To be eligible for acceleration, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Achieve 85% or higher on the 7th Grade Summative Exam.

Timelines and Communication:

January/February: Registration information shared and students register for classes. Contact your child’s math teacher or Math Department Chair, Kelsie Leonard ( to receive information about acceleration options.

February: Communication sent home about selected class option and upcoming testing/file review to determine appropriateness of acceleration.

April/May: Testing and file review completed by data team.

May/June: Communication sent home about results of testing/file review and state class for the next school year.