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Clubs & Activities

Quiz Bowl - Coached by Linda Simmons
Quiz bowl is a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. The defining feature of quiz bowl is the use of a “buzzer system” that lets players interrupt the reading of a question when they know the answer. That element adds a dimension of confidence, anticipation, and rapid recall to a game about knowing facts. Those “tossup” questions are answered individually, but doing so earns one’s team a chance at a three-part “bonus” question. Bonus questions are worth more points and allow collaboration, but are generally more difficult. Organized quiz bowl competitions are available in most states and at grade levels from middle school up.

Synchronized Swimming Club
Come join the fun. Click here for more information.

Spelling Bee - Contact Person: Jessica Edelheit
SLPMS participates in the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. Students are invited to take a 100-question screening test in October each year. The top spellers from each grade then compete in an oral spelling bee in November. Our top speller from that contest then continues on to the Twin Cities Metro Area Bee in March.

Math Team - Coached by Ms. Stark
MATH TEAM is an interscholastic math enrichment and competition program that promotes middle school mathematics enjoyment and achievement. It challenges students’ math skills, and develops their self-confidence. Practices start in late September. There are monthly meets running through February. Watch for announcement at the start of the school year.

Fall Play – Directed by Ms. Zumberge
The fall play, centered on a classic story, is open to all students. Tryouts are announced in September. Speaking and non-speaking parts are available to students as well as support roles such as the sound/video/tech crew, set construction, or artwork/props work.

Spring Musical – Directed by Ms. Zumberge
The spring musical has featured well-known Broadway plays. The musical, which is open by audition to all students, involves singing, acting, choreography, costumes, scenery, staging, lighting and sound, under the direction of staff and supported by students and parents. Auditions are usually held in mid-February followed by rehearsals after school with evening performances in late April or May. As with the fall play, singing, speaking, and non-speaking parts have been available to students as well as support roles such as the sound/video/tech crew, set construction, or artwork/props work.

6th, 7th, 8th grade Jazz Band – Directed by Mr. Pienaar
Jazz Band is a club for current members in a SLPMS music class. Jazz Band will center around learning the art of performing jazz music with emphasis on proper style, improvisation and historical importance of jazz icons and musicians. The SLPMS Jazz Band performs at the winter and spring band concerts each year, along with performance opportunities outside of school. Jazz Band is an audition-based group, in which you students can find out more information by speaking to Mr. Pienaar ( 

7th Grade DC Trip – Coordinated by Samantha Wyffels
All 7th Graders are invited to travel to Washington, D.C., with Ms. Wyffels through WorldStrides.  The trip lasts 4 days, and we leave the day after the teacher's last work day of the school year (trip dates vary each year depending on the school calendar).  Sites visited include the Holocaust Museum. Smithsonian Museum(s), WWII Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, and many other D.C. attractions!

Talent Show – Contact Person: Michelle Stark
Held in May each year.

Select Choir – Directed by Mr. Myszkowski

8th grade UPLIFT Mock Trial – Coached by Catherine Ahlin-Halverson, Public Interest Counsel at Maslon, and by Lisa Lillie

Mock Trial is a club in which students form teams and represent a client in a simulated murder trial. Mock trial students learn all about the law and the court system and each team is coached by real lawyers from the community. The mock trial at the end of the year takes place at the courtrooms at the University of Minnesota Law School, before real judges.

Mock Trial is only open to 8th grade students, and runs from mid-October through early March. We meet after school on Tuesdays. There is no registration fee. If you have questions, please ask Ms. Lillie or contact Catherine at / 612-672-8314.

There are other clubs open to Middle School students run by Community Education.  For further information please contact Kelleen O'Brion at